Minimalist PH 101: Minimalism challenges for you to try this 2020

Here are some minimalism challenges to stay being a minimalist

To help you start the decade strong and keep the minimalism ideology with you throughout 2020, I listed some of the things you can practice this year that I might dive in as well.

This is all about having a limited number of clothes for a certain period of time. In this you have to use a total number of 33 pieces of clothing for 3 months. You need to choose a total of 33 items, including your accessories, that you will use but undergarments are not included in your 33 items. The goal of this challenge is to make you see that you only need a few things to survive a long period of time. I will take this challenge so stay tuned for updates.

After purging you’ll have some items that you’re not sure if it’s still useful or should be thrown out so to help you solve the problem get a box designated for that kind of item. After you're done piling, put them in a box and keep it away for the next 3 months. If, after 3 months, you didn’t have the need to use any of the items inside the box then you can now let go of the box all at once. If you didn’t need it in the last 3 months then probably you wouldn’t be using it in the next couple of months or so.

Clean your phone for unused apps. Open your email address and unsubscribe to unuseful subscription lists and clean your email. I am guilty of letting my email drowns with many subscription emails that are usually sent to me on a daily basis.
Cut loose of all your social media platform subscriptions especially those shopping sites! After cleaning your inbox it will be much easier for you to maintain the cleanliness of your email if you will be deleting messages weekly or regularly.

Social media detox schedule. Read or etc.
Take a step back from the social media world and breathe in the life around you. Allow yourself to drop toxic friendships and relationships and just enjoy the real life. You can schedule a specific time of the day for you to be able to tend your social media tasks or be strict and limit yourself with a certain amount of time.

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  1. I've been spending days on the internet browsing through the art of minimalism. Yesterday, I rearranged my room, decluttered, and removed furniture that weren't really serving a purpose. I want to go further and actually try a capsule wardrobe. These challenges came just in time!

    Cae | Ughs and Ohs

  2. Project 333 is very fulfilling and liberating as well, you should try it too!

    Here's how I did mine and it's been six months already (started around January 2020)
