Dear Vita, why are you not kind to yourself?

Life blogger from Tarlac advice to be kind on yourself

Why does it is hard to be kind to yourself? Why do you keep on lifting other people but can’t even look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are worth it? Why do you hate yourself too much? Why do you have to be so hard on yourself? Why are you doubting every step and decision you take when you keep on encouraging other people? Why are you so good and cruel at the same time?

I know you can’t see it, I know you are in pain, I know you are trying, and I know you are failing but don’t be too hard on yourself.

Yes, you’ve been through a lot, faced countless demons, heard unsolicited thoughts inside your head, but you are worth every trust and love you keep on giving other people. You deserve the love you keep on giving; you are worth it.

This is me telling you how worthy you are.

You can do it. I believe in you. I’m here for you. You are worthy. You deserve the things you have right now.

You will figure it out. There’s nothing you can’t do, at least right now.

When Ellen says “When I say be kind to one another, I don’t mean only the people that think the same way you do. I mean be kind to everyone. Doesn’t matter.”

Ellen is right but I think I can twitch it a little more. “When I say be kind to one another, I don’t mean only the people that think the same way you do. I mean be kind to everyone, yourself included.”

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