Personally, I want to believe that it has been a good year although it has been a tiring and challenging one. The start of my 2018 could have been better but I have to do with what I had and suck it up. It is truly a bitter sweet goodbye and I’m very much happy to wrap this year with this post. So without further ado here’s my wrap up for it!

  • ·         First, I’m very thankful and grateful that I finally found my consistency in blogging. Although I didn’t reached my goal for my number of posted entries this year, I’m still grateful that I somehow got the courage to share my shenanigans and that means a lot.
  • ·         My career path is still on process. I’m happy on where I am right now and I’m thankful to the people around me who believes in me. I still have a bigger picture in mind and I’m sure that this small picture is part of that bigger one. I just need to trust in the process and myself to achieve the goal I set my eyes on even if it’ll take me years to achieve it.
  • ·         This year is full of inconsistency but I’m grateful to have consistent friends that truly lit up my life in just a single message. It might sound unprofessional but when it comes to being productive and being happy chilling out with friends, I’ll choose to be happy. The past years taught me so many things and one great learning I kept is to not deprive myself of the happiness I need. I didn’t use the line ‘I deserve’ because it’s easy to discourage myself into believing that I deserve a break because society will make me feel otherwise, so I use ‘need’ because I truly know that without it, without them, I wouldn’t be where I am right now. To my 2018 life’s constants, know that I’m grateful. Cheers to a prosperous 2019!
  • ·         I’ve been laidback this year. No grand happenings, I just went with the flow. But I planned things I am excited for the coming year and I will have it documented. On this bullet I just really want to say that I’m excited for 2019!
  • ·         I got my first summit! I went hiking last November and it was fulfilling. We went to Mt. Ulap and it took us 8 hours to finish the whole trail that includes three summits. It was a breath of fresh air for me, a break from my normal cycle and though getting my mother’s approval to go at first hadn’t been easy- I can say that it was a great climb.
  • ·         If you read my previous posts you’ll know that I, my 18-year old self, have written a letter to my future self and the letter I got this year had a post script of a place my younger self wanted me to go to but sadly I wasn’t able to make it.
  • ·         I fell in love even more with Little Mix, Demi, and Shawn Mendes this year. I’ve been listening to their songs even before but this year had been my peak fanning moment.
  • ·         I was hooked with Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 6 and I’m a certified #LoudGirls. I’ve been rooting Dana and I was so happy when she made it to the top. My other favorite are Jach, Beauty (her name is Thet as well!), and Han.

Seriously, as what I’ve said earlier, there’s nothing grand happened to me! Maybe it's because something grand is about to this 2019!

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