23 things before 23rd


P.s. This has been written on the later part of 2018. 

I’m a sentimental person. I appreciate everything and the timing of the things that have happened in my entire existence. And yes, this is another part of me being sentimental.
As of writing I’m still a couple of months before I turn 22 years old but knowing my writing laziness, or what I love to call as writing hiatus, it’s better to do it now than start it on the exact day of my birthday.

If I’m being honest I consider myself as bland and duff. I have no life’s highlight or intriguing adventure worth sharing to everyone. But for my 22nd year, I want it to be different.

I want to try/do 23 things before I hit my 23rd year on this planet! I want to feel brave, liberated, and accomplished by doing something I’ve been wanting to do for soooo long and so I decided to do this.

In a span of one year I will try my very best to carry out a bucket list that I made especially for my 23rd year! I will be posting it here and on other social media accounts such as YT, twitter, and maybe FB. Lol. Dunno.

To be honest, I know for sure that I’ll chicken out so I’ll add this line/saying on this post to remind my future self to fake it until she make it, and to virtually gave her a punch as well.

Thet, as per Ate Trisha’s post; Do the things that you can’t and tell her how it goes! And remember your principle, it’s better to have oh wells than what ifs!

So for the the next 12 months I'll keep updating this post with links of what I've accomplished so keep checking.

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