About: She Said Go For It

In 2013, I posted my first blog content in my first blog when I wanted to share my views about the situation of my friend who cried over her first love. I was so affected seeing her cry in a girl’s bathroom but too shy to share my sentiments. My blog then went from being a personal blog to a review, art, photography, and lifestyle blog.

For years I blog without an audience, as in zero activity, but that hadn’t stopped me since my main goal was just to have an outlet for my bursting views and thoughts.

Along the way college came and I grow up. I’ve been busy beyond the busiest point of being busy that I neglected my blog. I changed and up until now I’m still trying to see who I’ve become.

I grew up and I outgrow my blog. I don’t want to write any more just because I want to and just because thoughts keep on spilling (the reason behind why I chose ‘Just Because’ as my blog name) or because I find myself weird who can be wild and daring but at the same time nerd (the reason for my WeirdWildNerd blog name). Now, I want to share and tell stories.

In my last years on college a path was introduced to me. I want to take it so bad that I cried so many times because I’m lost and I don’t know what to do anymore. I want it so bad but it seems too late for me to change my career path. And then I realized something.

We always live our life with a timeframe, and you are either too young to do that thing or too old to do this thing. If you are in your late 20s and early 30s it is too late for you to pursue medicine or law because both require extensive and time-consuming schooling, you’ll be too old. During your teen years you are too young to be on a serious relationship be it a boyfriend/girlfriend thing or in terms of marital status, you are too young to engage with that serious stuff! You should be wed and have kids before 40 because you might not conceive anymore because of your biological clock.

You see, we based our decisions on quantity, specifically age that we forget to see the bigger picture. We forget to consider quality or being able to do things. We always think that being old is equals to being weak due to old age. But why can’t we see being old as being able and being wise to do things better?

It’s not about the age but it’s how we view things differently and how we strive for it. 
Age is just a number.

Being young doesn’t mean you are less equipped for your dreams, it only means that behind that less experienced person is someone who is much braver to want the things they say you can’t have so work harder for it.

Being old should not stop you from reaching another milestone in life. Trying or changing towards a new goal won’t put your past years doing want you are doing to waste, it is gaining new experience.
Do not be scared of the time because we don’t know how much time we have left to live.

This blog will be a living reminder of how age cannot be a hindrance to reach your goal. Never.

And I am here to remind you and me to go for it.

I said go for it.


Blogger from Tarlac City, Philippines


Teresa Gueco is a 21-yr old AB Communication Bachelor's Degree holder from Tarlac State University who graduated as Cum Laude last June 16, 2017. She is a TV-series addict and is a frustrated medical practitioner partly due to too much Grey's Anatomy binge-watching. As if she has plenty of time this 21-yr old stunner is also a bookworm by heart and considered reading and writing as her first love.

Her deepest darkest goal is to be known but not famous for she can't handle the spotlight and the pressure for being famous.

This woman is a full-time admin staff and at the same time, a freelance writer and social media manager. She also accepts logo design gigs for her blogger friends if she has extra time to spare.

As weird as it may sound but she is an advocate of pain and crying. She believes that being strong is being able to cry when you feel like all your strength was squeeze out of you, and that it's okay to feel the pain.

What's essential is invisible to the eye.
-The Little Prince